Real Haunts in Ohio- Paranormal OH

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"This building dates back to 1906 when it was the old Finnerock Furniture building. It now houses an arcade of small shops and restaurants. Many ghost sightings have been reported here, including a ton of apparitions in period clothing that like to wander around the buidling. A ghostly little girl has appeared near the old elevator shaft, and a small, shadowy apparition has been seen in... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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This college's Kohler Hall was built in the 1870s as a Methodist Children's Home and is rumored to have a spirit that resides there, manifesting as a blue haze. While students are in bed, it has been reported that something presses down on them and removes their blankets. Lang Hall is also reportedly haunted by namesake Emma Lang, whose spirit wanders the halls, rattling her keys. Her... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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This Air Force Base is believed to be haunted by spirits, unexplained sounds, laughing, moving objects, mysterious shadows and footsteps. The location has been featured on an episode of TV's Ghost Hunters. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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Guests of this hotel have reported seeing spirits in period clothing and eerie ghostly ballroom music when there is no one around. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Reports of several animals have been seen in the house as well as seeing Mothman flying over the house - twice! The house is in the process of being added to the National Register of Historic Places. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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"This building was The Poor House for many years and in the 1800s up until the 1970s, it was the location where the abandoned and insane saw their last days. Men and women were both housed here but in different quarters. Footsteps have been heard on the main floor at night and people have heard shuffling through empty hallways. Disembodied voices have also been reported and captured... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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This historic site is said to be haunted by an African American woman in a blue dress who is believed to have died in a fire in the mansion. Staff at the site have reported paintings rearranged after hours. Investigators say that the apparition of a female in turn-of-the-century clothing for a housekeeper has been seen multiple times in the mansion. The unmistakable smell of burning... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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- 5
This hotel has seen most of its haunting on the fourth floor, where lights reportedly turn on and off on their own and faucets switch on and off by themselves. The hotel was allegedly built on the site of many historic city landmarks. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This mansion dates back to 1871 and was turned into a town hall sometime later. The location is believed to be haunted by a woman responsible for the death of her beloved nephew, who has been lingering the mansion after hours calling his name. The nighttime employees have reported seeing shadowy apparitions late at night, along with other eerie occurrences. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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This building dates back to 1910 and is the home to an old man ghost who likes to wander around inside. The hall is where musicals and plays are performed and it is rumored to be haunted by a man who fell and died while trying to change a light bulb. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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- 3
Many guests of this historic inn have reported seeing the apparition of a man believed to be John Engle, who died in 1898. Authorities prosecuted Engle's wife, who they accused of poisoning her husband, but she was later acquitted. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Ghostly soldiers are rumored to re-enact the 1794 Battle of Fallen Timbers on August 20th, the anniversary of the last battle of the Northwest Indian War. Investigators call this type of haunting a "Residual Haunting," meaning that the spirits do not interact with the living at all. Many say it is as if you have gone back in time and can see the battle for yourself with your own eyes. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
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Reports say that in the older section of this library, the spirit of a man in a tall black hat lingers the stacks. Eerie sound and events have taken place here and many believe the building is haunted by several ghosts. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Libraries
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Former residents haunt the halls of the Sorg Opera House. A female apparition in a red dress has been seen on numerous ocassions, but disappears when approached. Some have reportedly heard her singing in the opera house. Others report seeing the ghost of a former bartender, and shadowy figures ascending and descending the staircase leading to the former dressing rooms; perhaps these are... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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Located about 23 miles East of Cleveland, the town of Boston, Ohio is well known for its paranormal activity. The town was founded in the early 1800s and became a mill town in the 1820s for decades after. In 1974, legislation meant to preserve forests gave the National Park Service the ability to purchase landāand buy homes out from under their owners. The houses unfortunately became... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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This university is reportedly haunted by the ghost of Alice, an actress who likes to linger around Brown and Saint Theaters, and Amanda, who wanders around the Chi Omega Sorority House. Amanda was accidentally killed during an initiation and is a poltergeist. For quite some time, the sorority group's annual group photo included a blank spot with "Amanda" in the caption. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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This location was once the town church and was built in the mid-19th century and the first in the surrounding county. The eerie occurrences started happening here in the 1980's when employees were closing up the place and heard loud crashing noises and disembodied footsteps in the empty building. The site is also believed to be haunted by its former owner who is known to talk to theatre... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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This building dates back to 1892 and is believed to have once operated as a speakeasy and a brothel. It was restored after being purchased by new owners in July 2014, and a ton of paranormal activity has been recorded here in the basement and other spots in the building. It is believed that the location is home to multiple ghosts. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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Known as the City of the Dead, the cemetery is haunted by the ghost of a ballerina, Antionette Peters, dancing outside the mausolem where she has been laid to rest. The ghost of nortious doctor, Joseph Lowry, who died in 1933 under suspicious circumstances, has been seen walking in the cemetery with his mother who is also buried there. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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The hauntings at this inn include doors that open on their own, curtain being closed by unseen hands, and TVs that turn off by themselves. Some have also reported feeling the touch of an unseen presence on their shoulders. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Pauni Apartments were built atop an ancient burial ground and residents have reported eerie happenings in the building ever since. Objects have moved on their own, doors open and close by themselves, and the spirit of a man in a sombrero has been seen. Reports of an evil presence has been felt as well, along with cold spots. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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A shadowy woman in an old-fashioned dress is rumored to haunt the 7th floor of this library. Visitors who fall asleep here, especially men, are woken up by her hitting them on the back of the head. Another location on campus that has been rumored to be haunted is the Chamberlin Lodge, which used to be a frat house. Reports here include doors that open on their own, invisible hands... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges | Real Haunted Libraries
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- 8
The first common report of a spirit at this hotel is that of a thieving entity, who has been known to take guests' valuables in the middle of the night, or moves them around the room. The spirit of a well-dressed elderly man has also been seen walking around the hotel lobby into the bistro before disappearing. This incident was reported by both visitors and employees. There have also... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This historic property is believed to have a ton of ghostly spirits that like to linger. People passing by have reported seeing the figure of a spectral woman standing near the windows and have also witnessed eerie lights moving from room to room downstairs. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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This historic hotel was built in 1891 and was once a library before it stood empty for years. It is rumored to be haunted by a handyman who died after falling into a barrel of cleaning acid back in 1910. His spirit has been seen here working on things or shoveling coal in the basement. Heavy objects have also been heard moving on empty floors along with music coming from the old dining... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This inn is rumored to be haunted by Civil War soldier who is known to stand near the windows and wave. The ghost of Suzanne, a former innkeeper's wife has also been reported. She is said to have come to the door in her nightgown to let guests inside while the owners weren't home. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This building was built in the 1890s as a memorial for Civil War soldiers and has been the location of a public library, an armory, and now the Round Town Players. A Civil War soldier's ghostly spirit has been seen reflected in the mirrors at Memorial Hall. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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- 4
This historic mansion and vineyard was originally built by immigrants but was left abandoned after a family tragedy. After, the employees began to report a vortex in the building, along with cold spots. A drama student who was leaving class once reported seeing a pale face staring at him from inside the building. The same occurrence has been reported by many ever since. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Museums
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This building is known to be one of the towns most haunted locations and has seen a number of tragedies and notable events. Two spirits commonly appear here, one being that of a silent man wearing a trench coat and the other one is a demonic entity. Most of the eerie occurrences happen in the coffin room on the second floor, while others have reported the building shaking from a passing... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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"This museum was once a schoolhouse and hospital, and employees believe the location is haunted. Built in the mid-19th century, the building has seen its fair share of history and ghost stories. The first spirit seen here was that of young boy who had been seen staring down into the street from the upper floor. The boy has been known to play with visitors children and has appeared... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Museums
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This National Landmark is said to be haunted by Lucretia Garfield, the wife of former President James A.Garfield, who turns on lights and sometimes cleans up after work crews. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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"This antiques mall was once a funeral home, which is why it is believed to be haunted by a ton of spirits. A tall man dressed in a brown suit was the first to be seen in the building. He has been seen walking around, and in some cases through the antique displays. A lady in yellow gown has also been seen pacing the upper levels while crying. When she is approached, she suddenly... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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The Mudhouse Mansion is located just east of the city of Lancaster, in Fairfield County. Although the mansion itself was demolished in 2015 by the property owners, the grounds are known to be just as haunted as the house once was. Some of the eerie rumors surrounding the mansion included that of a government official that still kept slaves after the Civil War, and locked them up at... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places
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"This bridge has a couple of different legends surrounding it. One reports that a woman threw her unwanted newborn baby over the bridge, and now the phantom scene replays here along with the sounds of a babies cries. A similar story has been told of a woman who became pregnant by a married man, and the people in the town accused her of seducing him by witchcraft and threatened to... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses
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This Irish tavern dates back to 1972 and is believed to be haunted by a playful ghost named Harold. He enjoys turning the lights on and off, moving objects, breaking glasses, and making whispering and footstep sounds in the basement. People believe Harold may be the ghost of a man who was killed behind the building or that he is somehow connected to a series of old underground tunnels... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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This library opened its doors in 1930 and is rumored to be haunted by a man from around 1940. His spirit has been seen and eerie noises and bumping sounds have been heard coming from the area near the west wall fireplace. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Libraries
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This castle dates back to 1905 and is rumored to be haunted by its former owner, Colonel Morgan of Morgan Engineering Company fame. He died in 1928. Guided tours are vailable throughout the year for those who are interested in taking a look around. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Castles
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This athletic club was once a schoolhouse and during its history, a mean schoolmistress punished a girl so badly, that she died. This led to the schools closing and the basis of the haunting that takes place today. People have reported hearing the cracking of a whip in the quiet library area, along with cries of a young child. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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This cabin dates back to the late 1700s and was built by the township's founder, John Austin. In 1975, the site became a Historical Landmark and it is rumored to be haunted. The spirit of a headless soldier has been seen here in the historic log cabin. He appears in different rooms of the house and those passing by have reported seeing him in one of the windows upstairs. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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An infamous bootlegger's wife, who was shot and killed in the Eden Park gazebo in 1927, has been seen by a handful of witnesses wearing a black dress. The bootlegger was later acquitted despite motive and substaintial evidence. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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The body of a woman was allegedly found during the clean up for the building of this hotel. She had shot herself in the head, killing herself. Her spirit has been seen as a shadowy form and she is also known to turn the lights on and off, while causing a cool breeze in the hallways. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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- 246
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The Golden Lamb Restaurant & Hotel dates back to 1803 - opening their doors in the town of Lebanon, a newly established town at the time. The establishment was founded by Jonas Seaman, who purchased a $4 license to operate a "House of Public Entertainment." The establishment remained a gathering place for the community for centuries and earned the nickname "Lebanonās Living Room." When... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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- 4
The gothic architechure adds to the ghoulish appeal of this 130-year-old jail where 14 people are known to have died, six by suicide. The haunted history of the jail is marked by the murder of Carl Etherington, a dry-agent who was being held in the jail for his own safety from a lynch mob. The crowd broke down on the the gates, and stormed the jail. Etherington was beaten to death by a... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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This theater opened its doors in 1866 and has operated as the Turner Opera House, Grand Opera House, Victoria Opera House and Victoria Theatre. The ghost that reportedly haunts the location is that of a 1920s actress who disappeared from her locked dressing room after a performance. Her spirit and scent of rose perfume have been reported, along with strange sounds and electrical issues. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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This mansion was once a concent, and is now dorms for resident artists and art students. A frightening entity dressed in black robes is said to reside in the basement of the building and it wanders throughout every day before disappearing in the same part of the building. The entity has also been seen behind people on the basement stairs. A flying white apparition has also been reported... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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Paranormal investigations have taken place at this location and reports said they have seen shadows inside the building and ahve heard a little girl talking or laughing. In the main exhibit room, a light comes on by itself and the only way to turn it on is to pull a cord. Whistles have also been heard near a Civil War exhibit. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Museums
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This location is believed to be haunted by the spirit of a woman who was killed here over a century ago. She has been seen in the dining room on the upper floor. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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This building was built in the 1840s and was once a cabinet shop. Locals have reported seeing the spirit of a former bartender, who hanged himself in the bar and was buried in the cemetery at the church next door. He has appeared in the restaurant after hours and is known to throw pans and touch people, while creating cold spots and moving objects around. People say he is a friendly... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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- 4 / 5
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The Corner House is an abandoned home that sits at the intersection of two major roads. It is believed to be haunted by the spirit of a woman in black. Her husband allegedly killed her in the house years ago and people that drive past have reported hearing her screams along with the smells of burning flesh. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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- 180
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Legend has it that a faceless hitchhiker died at the scene after a crash in the 1960s at the intersection of Route 222 and Route 125. The hitchhiker's ghost has appeared on the road in the early hours of the morning, at the dangerous sharp turn that took his life. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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Witnesses at this restaurant have reported seeing apparations, hearing footsteps and knocks and have felt strange presences. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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The Cincinnati Subway featured tunnels that ended up abandoned and closed to the public, however, stories say there are ghosts that reside in them. Some say the tunnels were never put to use because of the strange activity that takes place throughout. Rumor has it if you listen closely enough, you will hear footsteps and breathing in the darkness. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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This home dates back to 1836 and now houses a museum complex. It is believed to be the home to some friendly ghosts who enjoy moving objects around and opening doors. People have also reported hearing unexplained footsteps and whispers. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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This cemetery was once on a burial ground and since its establishment in 1819, has seen the burial of over 18,000 people. 25 of them were victims of a local train crash in 1876. The accident killed between 80 and 92 people, while injuring 64 others. The bridge's engineer, Charles Collins, is rumored to have killed himself in January 1877. The cemetery has his grave and a 70-foot... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Schwartz Castle in Columbus is said to be haunted by Frederick William Schwartz, a German businessman and apothecary owner who built the home to impress his fiancƩ who was still living in Germany. He included lavish designs throughout the construction of the mansion to show how much he loved her, but she ended up calling off the wedding. Schwartz spiraled out of control and would wander... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Castles
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This bridge is now closed and is reportedly haunted day and night by a crying baby. It has been said that the baby when missing when its parents were fighting, and it fell over the side of the bridge. The sound of its screaming mother can also be heard in the area, along with the babies cries. In 2010, the bridge was in the news after an elderly woman was found strangled and burned to... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses
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- 4.7 / 5
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- 3
This castle is haunted by the spirit of a regal man who has been seen on the landing, looking at a display, dressed in a blue military uniform. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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This home is believed to be haunted by Imogene Remus, wife of the notorious bootlegger, George Remus who both once owned the residence. George went to prison in the mid-1920s and Imogene sold all the furnishing in their home and many of his distilleries, pretty much closing his businesses, and filed for divorce. In October, 1927, the two were on their way to divorce court when George... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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The cafeteria at this college is said to lay on the site of the old city gallows, but a number of other locations at the place are rumored to have spirits as well. At Blair Hall, something has tugged at witnesses, who have also heard phantom cats, footsteps and babies. The elevators have been known to work on their own, doors slam by themselves and the lights go out for no reason. Mr.... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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- 3 / 5
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This historic building sits abandoned and is believed to be haunted by several terrifying spirits. In the section of the building that was previously an army training unit, an aggressive entity pushes visitors around, and has been known to swear or threaten those present during visits. Factory appliances move around by themselves, and cold spots have been reported. Smoky apparitions... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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This location was once the home of President James A. Garfield and is rumored to be haunted by his wife, Lucretia. Security staff have reported hearing her walking upstairs at night and she has been known to turns the lights on after the guards have turned them off. She also apparently cleans up each night when work from renovations left the place a mess. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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"This historic hotel was built in 1828 and was once a trading post and tavern with limited overnight accommodation. The building also served as a prison and a town ballroom throughout the century. The odd history of the location began in the 1840s after a farmer vanished from his room at the hotel in the middle of the night. A local man confessed to the murder years later, but never... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Workers that have helped renovate the building have reported eerie shadows and mists under the doors of the empty rooms. Some believe that one of the ghosts that live at the location is that of Father Donald MacLeod, who wrote āThe History of Roman Catholicism in North America.ā Locals say he was hit and killed by a train nearby and that they have witnessed his ghost walking near the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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This castle dates back to the 1800s and was built by wealthy German immigrant, Hans Tiedemann. It has then since been a clubhouse for a German singing society, headquarters for a German Socialist organizations, a doctor's office, apartments, and a hideout for bootleggers. A pile of baby skeletons was allegedly found in the house and the doctor was blamed for it. Witnesses say they... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Castles
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- 1 / 5
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This building dates back to 1852 when it was built by George Stoner as an inn and tavern. It was also the location of a station on the Underground Railroad. Runways would hide in the basement in a "hidden" room until they could make their up to the handy house or the Sharp house. Several witnesses have reported seeing a shadowy figure that came in the back door on the second floor... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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Martin Baum built this museum back in 1820 and it is rumored to be the home to several spirits. The most famous one being Annie, the wife of Charles Phelps Taft, half brother of President William Howard Taft. The building was donated to the city by them in 1932. Annie apparently wears a long pink gown and ghosts are said to linger at night, calling people's names, tapping them on the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Museums
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Squire's Castle sits atop a hill in the North Chagrin Reservation, in Willoughby Hills, Ohio. The castle was built in the late 19th Century by Fergus B. Squire, an oil executive who ended up becoming the Vice-President and General Manager at John D. Rockefellerās Standard Oil Company. This castle is believed to be haunted by Fergus's wife, Louisa. Legend says that Louisa suffered... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Castles
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- 7
This defunct state prison in Mansfield closed its door in 1990, but that hasn't stopped the sounds of doors slamming and people shrieking. The haunted space is now open for guided tours. Some of the most haunted locations within the prison are the east wing first floor bathroom, and third floor of the administration building where showdy figures have been seen on multiple occasions. The... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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This building dates back to 1836 and has operated as a general store and a hotel. The hotel is no longer in business but it is believed to have as many as three ghost that linger there. The first is that of a woman prostitute who allegedly hanged herself in one of the rooms upstairs when the hotel was a bordello. Both employees and visitors have reported seeing a woman hanging by a... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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Fred the Janitor is one of the ghosts who reside in this theater. He died during his shift and now lingers the building. He allegedly gets angry at people who mess up the bathrooms. A well-dressed man has also been seen sitting up in the balcony from time to time. The third spirit that has been seen is that of a girl who walks along the old canal behind the theater. The story told is... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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Locals say that this mansion is haunted by Colonel Taylor and his lady. Guests have seen their spirits on the stairways and they may even shake the beds from time to time. The spirits are said to be friendly and apparently watch over those that stay at the inn. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Hammel House Inn has been proclaimed one of the most haunted buildings in town. The rumored to be most haunted room at the inn is Room #004. The shadowy spirit of a young merchant who was killed in the inn has been seen here, as well as in the dining room. A ghostly black cat has also been seen in the hallways, as well as various other spirits in period clothing. Disembodied... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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- 19,648
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- 3.8 / 5
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- 22
Claimed by some to be one of the most haunted places in the world, this university is believed to be haunted by spirits from the former Athens Lunatic Asylum. After opening in 1874, the asylum quickly became overcrowded, and rumors swirled around the treatment of the patients within. In December 1978, patient Margaret Schilling went missing, and a month later her body was found by a... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Colleges
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The origin of the tower remains a mystery, but the foreboding appearance of the tower has invited many over the past several decades to try to catch a glimpse of two glowing, shadowy apparitions. Some visitors have been frightened away from a black mist that often surrounds the tower. The tower is also known as Frankenstein's castle and Witch's Tower by Ohio locals. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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Visit this inn and you may meet the ghost of Orrin Granger, the pioneer who built it in 1812. Or you may spot Major Horton Buxton, after whom the inn was named. Major Buxton operated the inn during the late 1800s. Former innkeeper Bonnie Bounell is also said to have stayed on in the afterlife, and appears in Room 9 as a lady in blue. A ghost cat is also here, some say, and on a more... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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On the upper floors of this building, there is a labyrinth of old studios and a restaurant that isn't used. A piano that sits in the bar area is rumored to play all on its own and the spirit of a little girl wearing a white dress can be seen walking around the upper floors before disappearing. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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This building was once the location of a grocery warehouse that was built in 1886. It is believed to be extremely haunted and is the site of ghosts tours and hunts. Many spirits have been seen here, including that of a man in a top hat and long coat, and a little girl. Strange occurrences that have happened here include footsteps being heard from empty floors above, cold spots, touching,... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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Spirits of slaves are reported to appear on a ladder near the house on moonless nights. Abolitionist Reverend John Rankin once owned the home and he allegedly installed a bright light in his attic window to symbolize runaway slaves that it was safe to seek shelter here. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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This literary center and museum is said to be haunted by James Thurber, and author and cartoonist. Witness report books flying from their shelves and the sounds of footsteps on the back staircase. Thurber himself experienced hauntings within the home, which was built on a portion of the grounds of a former state psychiatric hospital that burned down. Thurber recorded his sightings in... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Museums
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- 2.6 / 5
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- 5
Hell's Corners is located at the area where Pathour Wheeler Road and John White Road intersect. The story says that a young Native-American boy was shot here many years ago. A jail once stood here as well and was the location of many hangings. The site is known to cause a number of fatal car accidents at the intersection. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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This restaurant is haunted by a ghost who employees named Hector. Hector's spirit has been seen inside the restaurant and is known to make a lot of noise. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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This old stone house dates back to the early 1800s. Today, guests report TVs turning on and off inexplicably while toilets flush by themselves. It is rumored that an 11-year-old girl died when she fell out of an upstairs window. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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- 3
The 29-room mansion built in 1856 by abolitionist G.W. Adams is said to have been a stop on the Underground Railroad. The house is said to be haunted by ghosts from its past, and has been featured on TV shows such as Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures. The mansion is also the site of many deaths from that time period and is available to rent to ghost hunters. This pre-Civil War... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging | Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
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The Agora Theatre and Ballroom has seen the performances of Elvis and The Beatles and is also home to some spirits. Apparitions have been seen, mostly one of a man in a yellow raincoat. A psychic once did an investigation and said the spirits name was John. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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House of Wills is rumored to be one of the most haunted sites in the city of Cleveland. A white apparation has been seen staring down into the street from one of the windows on the second floor. Visitors and paranormal investigators claimed seeing shadowy figures that moved quietly from room to room before they disappeared. A spectral man in a suit was also seen in the casket room, and... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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- 12,984
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- 4.5 / 5
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- 23
The strange happenings that occurred at this hotel include footsteps and voices heard in empty hallways and rooms, appliances turning off and on by themselves, doors opening and closing on their own and luggage and furniture being moved around the rooms. Guests and employees of the hotel have both seen misty apparitions in the corridors, along with a ghostly maid wearing a black dress... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Reports of figures in period clothing have been seen looking out the windows and lights have been reported moving around the house. The house is now a private residence. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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This opera house has reportedly been haunted since the 1960s, when a janitor ran out of the building and never returning. The spirit of a 10-year-old girl named Elizabeth has been seen looking down from the catwalk and laughing. Another spirit who has made himself known is that of Everett Miller, an employee who worked at the location for 30 years. A man named John Leezer was stabbed... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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This inn was built in the 1800s and was once a cobbler shop. Reports of knocking on doors when no one is around have been heard, and disembodied footsteps in the hallway. Those who have witnessed the ghost here say he wears a long dark coat. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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- 17,513
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- 4 / 5
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- 3
"Kings Island Amusement Park opened its doors in 1972 and is rumored to have the Dog Street Cemetery on its premises. Most witnesses believe the hauntings come from those who accidently died at the amusement park, like the 1976 occurrence where a Lion Country Safari Ranger was killed by a lion or Black Sunday in 1992, when a man, his friend and a security guard were electrocuted in a... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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- 539
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Located in Galion, Ohio, The Gill House is a historical landmark that was built in the early 1900s. The home was owned by automotive mogul Bloomer Gill and his family. Most history fanatics will visit the home just because of its old-world beauty but they may just get a glimpse of the ghosts that are known to roam within the home's walls. The basement is said to be haunted by the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places
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- 1,967
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- 3.7 / 5
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- 3
This inn is no longer in operation and is now a private residence. Built in 1825, it was once a popular stopover for travellers on the river and it has quite a colorful history. Employees and visitors of the former inn have both reported hearing a woman singing and feeling a strange presence on the lower floor. Doors are also known to open and close on their own on the second floor and... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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This location is reported to have a ghost that haunts the building at night and he is believed to be a former security guard who was killed here. He rattles the door knobs and checks the locks on the doors. A ghost pilot haunts the World War I Plane Exhibit and people have reported seeing him in the plane's cockpit, messing around with the instruments before disappearing. Both joyous... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Museums
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Aunt Phoebe is the spirit that is said to haunt this home, she is the sister of the builder, William Dix. Aunt Phoebe has been known to give anyone who scoffs at her a coffee shower or she will slam a door nearby. Chandelier crystals and a coat have gone missing, and a spirit has appeared in a wedding photo that was taken on site. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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The Zoar Historic Hotel has been acquired by the state historical society and is rumored to be quite haunted, which has been claimed by both guests and employees. It is supposedly one of the most haunted buildings in the town. The first ghost that is commonly seen at the location is that of a builder and former owner Alexander Dunn, who appears mostly in the observatory room which used... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The basement of this university is rumored to be haunted and people down there have reported feeling unexplained sadness and trouble breathing. The lights have turned on by themselves as well. The spirit of an elderly man has been seen in a white lab coat. He carries a beaker and an apothecary bottle and has been seen putting away the science equipment after the students are done using... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Colleges
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This abandoned building is reportedly haunted and witnesses have seen ghostly lights moving around the upper levels and have heard eerie sound when no one is around. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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- 12
Every resident of Robert Hemp's home is said to have seen unexplained images of a man in a top hat, or unexpected chills throughout the house. Hemp is rumored to have been buried below the porch. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Roads & Highways
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Patrons of the tavern have sighted the ghost of a colonel murdered by a woman he loved. His apparition appears most frequently as a ball of light, and footsteps appear in the snow outside the tavern, even when no one is around. The factory was used as a morgue during a widespread influenza outbreak, and hundreds of bodies were kept there on backlog as cemeteries rushed to dig graves and... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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- 6,196
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- 1 / 5
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Purported to be the most haunted site in Ohio, Franklin Castle was the scene for a series of tragedies experienced by the Tiedemann family who lived in the house until 1895. Built by Hans Tiederman in the mid-1800's, the 21-room mansion also features numerous hidden passages. The house was also used as a club house for a Nazi organization, and a site for bootlegging during Prohibition.... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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- 4
This cemetery is rumored to have a haunted bust on a gravestone that sits in Lot 100. It has been said that it turns its head and watches those who walk by. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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- 4 / 5
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This Art Museum is home to various paranormal occurrences. The first being that of an apparition who was seven feet tall, misty black figure with no face. Security has witnessed the spirit standing behind them in doorways, watching them. Another ghost that wanders has a glowing face and wakes guards that sleep during the night shift, apparently wanting them to wake up and make sure the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Museums
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The owner of this manor supposedly committed suicide by drifting out into the lake in a bathrub. When he reached the middle, he apparently pulled the plug and drowned. This is the claim that has been told, although no one is quite sure why he would of chosen this method. In the late 1970s, the ghost of a man who appeared to be a lumberjack, was seen in the dining room for a period of... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This country club was built in the 1820s as the home of the Harris Family and later on became a country club and golf course in 1924. "Dinner and a Ghost"events have taken place at the location, introducing visitors to the hauntings that take place here. Some include electrial issues, odd smells and sounds, and apparitions. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places
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- 3
This building dates back to 1836 and has operated as an inn and tavern, a school and a private residence. It is now a restaurant and is rumored to have a female spirit that wanders around the upper floors, creating creaking footsteps and appearing in the windows upstairs. Legend says the woman was a former resident who killed herself after finding out her beloved had forsaken her. The... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Restaurants & Bars
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Mary Jane is the name of the ghost who lingers on the grounds of this cemetery. One story says she was burned at the stake in the 1800s after she was accused of witchcraft. Another says she was a Native-American medicine woman and some people thought her profession was a little to close to witchcraft, so they harrassed her. Mary Jane allegedly put a curse on the land and reports say... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Built atop the Pest House, a local nickname for the Commerce Lunatic Hospital, which also featured a potter's field for the hundreds who died within, each time construction is done at the music hall, more bones are unearthed. Those laid to rest on the land were never moved to a permanent, and more peaceful location, and it is believed these spirits now haunt the music hall. Bones from... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Theaters
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The Oliver House is a historic landmark that is most known for the rumor of a presidential visit many years ago. The building now houses a few different pubs and a bunch of ghost stories. The building was allegedly built over an ancient burial ground and in the upstairs pool room is where the most seen ghost resides. Visitors have reported seeing "The Captain," a spirit of a man dressed... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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- 3,521
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- 3 / 5
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- 3
Nicknamed the "Screaming bridge" by locals, drivers who pass over the bridge on Old Maud Hughes Road report hearing the screams of a girl who is believed to have killed herself by jumping from her boyfriend's car shortly after the two had a fight. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Roads & Highways