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Park Hotel - Put-In-Bay OH Real Haunted Place

  • 234 Delaware Ave.
  • Put-In-Bay, OH
  • (419) 285-3581
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  (1 review)
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Guests of this hotel have reported seeing spirits in period clothing and eerie ghostly ballroom music when there is no one around.
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  • Room 11

    My husband and I went over to PIB for part of our honeymoon after we were married in the fall of 2023. We went over for the island Halloween celebration and booked a room at the Park Hotel. I had heard stories of ghosts in the hotel as there is a LOT of haunted history on South Bass Island. We dropped our bags off to room 11 on the 2nd floor, we each went to use the restroom in the hall (true to its Victorian era roots, rooms do not have private baths - several are located in the hall & it is a shared situation). I returned from the restroom to our room and startled as I heard movement in the closet. My husband is a prankster and tried to scare me but gave himself up. Through the night it felt like the light needed to be on in the room. It felt as if we had one more person in there looking at us. I heard slight shuffling noises and I kept waking and glancing around the room to see nothing amiss. The next day before checkout I was returning to the room after showering. I entered the room and shut the door. I looked up as I heard a loud sigh from the closet and watched the door move on its own as if it was attempting to close. I yelled at my husband to knock it off, and yanked the closet door open only to find it empty. I was alone, my husband was still in the shower. I quickly dressed putting my pjs back on -backwards- and bolted to the hallway with the restrooms and waited for him there. Upon checkout, we chatted with the friendly front desk attendant and I asked about the hauntings. She said "Well, if I tell you will you ever come back?" I assured her we would and we enjoyed these stories. She told me some of the specifics such as the 3rd floor seems to be the most active. I relayed my experience and she looked down at the key we had placed on the desk and said "You were in room 11? ohhh".. I encouraged her to go on, and she explained she stayed the weekend at the hotel rather than commute as the ferry schedules do not run as late in the fall . Turns out she had been staying in room 11 but just moved to another because she had too many experiences with the closet door moving and noises JUST like I had. It gave me chills. I felt vindicated I really did have a paranormal experience!

    Posted 9/14/24

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Contact Phone #: (419) 285-3581

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Visitors to this page: 2,270
Clicks to Website: 216
Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3344 days ago)

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