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Old Hercules Engine Factory - Real Haunts in Canton OH

  • 921 Market Avenue
  • Canton, OH
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This historic building sits abandoned and is believed to be haunted by several terrifying spirits. In the section of the building that was previously an army training unit, an aggressive entity pushes visitors around, and has been known to swear or threaten those present during visits. Factory appliances move around by themselves, and cold spots have been reported. Smoky apparitions have been reported following people around the building, and people have reported seeing orbs flying around the building basement.
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  • Really truly haunted

    This place is it real haunted building I worked there the very first year it was open as a haunted attraction known as the factory of terror however I knew about the haunted history of this building before I work there and as I work there I experienced the paranormal first hand by being shoved forward by an unseen entity obviously I was standing in his or her or it's way I'm a true believer in that building being haunted in a true believer in the paranormal

    Posted 6/25/24

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  • Not abandoned currently owned.

    The abandoned old hercules engine factory is currently an apartment complex. Its not haunted that much anymore and the other buildings are dangerous and unsafe to move through.

    Posted 9/14/20

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    3 out of 6 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 9,481
Last edit to this listing: 2/15/2016 (3326 days ago)

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