
Zoar Historic Hotel - Zoar OH Real Haunts

  • 162 Main Street
  • Zoar, OH
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Zoar Historic Hotel has been acquired by the state historical society and is rumored to be quite haunted, which has been claimed by both guests and employees. It is supposedly one of the most haunted buildings in the town. The first ghost that is commonly seen at the location is that of a builder and former owner Alexander Dunn, who appears mostly in the observatory room which used to be his bedroom.

The second spirit is that of another female owner, who walks around the hotel and town. Employees say that on certain nights, they have heard a celebration happening on the upper floor. When they went to check it out, they found nothing. Ghostly music has also been heard, along with a ghost that enjoys moving furniture around.
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  • President McKinley's mistress

    When I lived in the area many years ago, we were always told that President McKinley's mistress also roamed the hallways. McKinley, apparently used to meet up with her their. That story came from many dfferent people in the area.

    Posted 10/19/21

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 4,528
Last edit to this listing: 5/19/2016 (3232 days ago)

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