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Boston, Ohio (AKA "Hell Town") - Boston OH Haunted Place

  • Boston, OH
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Located about 23 miles East of Cleveland, the town of Boston, Ohio is well known for its paranormal activity. The town was founded in the early 1800s and became a mill town in the 1820s for decades after.

In 1974, legislation meant to preserve forests gave the National Park Service the ability to purchase land—and buy homes out from under their owners. The houses unfortunately became abandoned, boarded up, and sometimes were burned down.

According to James Willis, a blogger for Weird U.S., the entire town looks as though it "had mysteriously disappeared into thin air.” In 2016, the town's remaining buildings were demolished, but its eerie tales still remain. Visitors dubbed the place "Hell Town" after reporting mysterious figures dressed in black peering through their car windows, seeing a ghost sitting on a bench, hearing strange growls in Boston Cemetery and becoming covered in goose bumps while walking its paths. The land is now part of Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 377
Last edit to this listing: 6/21/2024 (277 days ago)

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