
James A. Garfield House - Mentor OH Haunted Place

  • 8095 Mentor Avenue
  • Mentor, OH
  • 440-255-8722
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This National Landmark is said to be haunted by Lucretia Garfield, the wife of former President James A.Garfield, who turns on lights and sometimes cleans up after work crews.
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  • was told it was another tour group

    heard a woman and possibly two children upstairs, heard the children running possibly playing, the woman talked calmly and sounded very friendly, never saw the other "tour group" once we got the second level, didn't hear them, didn't see them leave, or outside. and the only cars ever in the parking lot were mine, the tour guides, and one employ. three cars, three drivers. no other tour group was there. saw a young child when i was on the main level, wearing a night gown, they were standing on the stairs to the second level. non hostile spirits, warm welcome feeling, nothing in the house had negative vibes, no cold spots or feelings of dread/remorse. Most pleasant encounter I've had.

    Posted 3/1/20

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  • Presence

    There is a presence in the home and there are probably attachments also considering the amount of time the family spent in the home and that the furniture, etc. are all original to the home. My husband had the experience - dizzy, queasy and a feeling of heaviness. Neither the President nor his wife died in the house. The President died in Jersey while his wife was in California when she died. President Garfield's mother did die in the home in 1888. She is buried at Roselawn Cemetery in Solon, Ohio. The caskets of the President and Lucretia Garfield lie in a crypt beneath a memorial at Lakeview Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio, along with the ashes of their daughter and son-in-law. Lucretia's father lived in the home as well but he did not die there - he moved to Portage County, Ohio where he passed in 1897 ... He is buried at Fairview Cemetery in Hiram, Ohio. There are no other known deaths in the home.

    Posted 7/8/19

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  • Strong female presence

    Went on a tour of the Garfield house in mentor, Ohio . Felt a strong female presence in the house which may it very difficult to focus on the tour. Was immediately drawn to a portrait painting in the entry way of the house. Saw the woman in the painting in the photo out of the corner of my eye sitting upstairs in the Library at a small desk. later in the tour found out woman in portrait was Lucretia Garfield. Also could sense Garfields mother and Lucretia's father in the house. my suspension were correct. All 3 died in the house.

    Posted 8/28/16

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Last edit to this listing: 7/30/2015 (3526 days ago)

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